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Drying Oak Lumber -- Ordering Information

Where to send your check or money order to receive a copy of this useful text. May 10, 2001

Ordering Information

by Eugene Wengert
Extension Specialist in Wood Processing
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Cost: $25 plus $5 postage and handling (plus WI residents add $1.65 tax)

Payment: Check, money order, P.O.

Order from:
Department of Forest Ecology and Managemen
1630 Linden Drive
University of WIsconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

The book is bound, 8-1/2 x 11, 31 figures and 54 tables, 167 pages

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. What Is Oak?
Chapter 3. Interaction of Wood and Water
Chapter 4. How Oak Dries
Chapter 5. Equipment for Drying Oak Lumber
Chapter 6. Preparing Oak for Drying
Chapter 7. Stacking and Loading
Chapter 8. Sample Boards
Chapter 9. Schedules
Chapter 10. Defect Recognition, Causes, and Cures
Chapter 11. Quality Control Procedures
Chapter 12. Energy Usage
Chapter 13. Storage of Dried Lumber
Chapter 14. Appendices