I've got a cooking apple tree that came down recently. It's at least 50 years old and the trunk is around 24" diameter. I would like to mill it but I don’t know if/how long to dry it. It already seems quite dry as it was grown on sandstone in the UK. I also don’t know how to measure the % moisture in the wood.
Forum Responses
(Sawing and Drying Forum)
From contributor J:
It is valued by wood turners. If it was mine to work with then I would prepare it for turning. Not so sure about cabinet makers - it's not a commercially sawn wood, so finding the proper outlet for it might be difficult.
To measure the moisture content of wood I dry I use a Wagner MC220. If using a pinless moisture meter like this, plug the specific gravity (SG) into 0.64. This applies to three apples that grow in North America: Apple Crab (Malus Pumila), Sweet Crab (Malus Coronaria), or Common Apple (Malus Sylvestis).
I imagine the diameter of your apple makes it one of the species listed above, but I’m not sure. I recommend (not knowing your final use) sawing but logs into cabinet grade (4/4+1/8 or 5/4) and flitching the top logs into 8/4, and maybe a piece of 16/4, which leaves table tops, and table legs as options.
Generally, 4/4 apple should not be air-dried for more than 45 days. In face, it is best if you could try it under a shelter, but the shelter must be open to the breezes. Keeping the rain off is very important for apple. Also, you must weight the pile (6" of concrete would not be too much), as the wood likes to warp.
The Doc's right in that it warps badly, and has a shaky heart to boot. I therefore cut to 5/4 in order that I'd have plenty of material to get 4/4 or 3/4", whichever was doable from a given board. I also cut a good deal of 6/4 X 6/4 for the turners. The Doc's also correct in the need for good airflow through the stack, especially early in the drying process as this wood will fungus-up quickly. The heart is darker then the outer wood in all the orchard wood I've cut. I'm curious if all apple is like this. Let us know how yours comes out.