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Door Edge Profile


From original questioner:

Having to match some existing cab doors on a remodel. Does anyone know where I can find a router bit or shaper cutter to do this edge, or someone near Dallas Texas that I could get to run this edge on a few doors.

From contributor do

For a few doors easy. Just run two cove cuts on your shaper and use a pad sanding block to sand the corner to a radius. I match profiles like this all the time using diffirent combinations of diffirent cutters and sanding. That is a deep edge profile. When i find myself doing the same profile a lot is when i have Freeborn make me one.

From contributor Ji

I second door shop guys approach.
I have a Freud 2+2 Ogee panel raiser with curved inside panel step detail- makes the fugliest panel raise I've ever seen, but hardly an oddball door edge I can't get to in two or three passes and varied height adjustment.
BTW I am just east of Dallas in Mabank. I sell doors to a few shops around here and in Dallas area, and have done that edge before and would like nto talk to you about doing your doors if you outsource them.