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Dehumidifiers For Kilns


From original questioner:

We are currently trying to dry some hardwoods in an enclosed room, which we have created as a kiln.

The room is approximately 12' wide x 20' long x 10' high. We have currently used electric heater to warm up the room, and have a ceiling fan to blow the heat back down.

The problem we are running into is the high humidity in room. Can anyone suggest an adequate dehumidifier?

Also, what is the optimal humidity setting to dry hardwoods such as white oak, red oak, ash, and maple?

From contributor Ge

All the answers are in Drying Hardwood Lumber, which is available on line at no cost.

From contributor Do

There are lots of solutions such as a vent system controlled by humidity or a dehumidification drying system. It all depends on what you need to do as far as production time, operating cost, quality etc.
There is short, simple introduction to drying booklet at that can get you started learning the basics.

From contributor Ki

Can you post a link to the booklet you mentioned

From contributor Do

From contributor Ki

Thanks Don

From contributor ol

Is this a temporary , or one time use of the room as a kiln? I would think you could create mold problems in your room. I have done a small quantity of cherry, under a plastic tarp Used an electric heater and a room humidifier to remove the moisture. It was slow and the wood was dried down , but not sure how low.
I have a nyle 50 now, purchased about 15 years ago, built a proper kiln, it will turn out a load in about 2 -3 weeks down to 6 percent, using air dried lumber
You need to be able to raise the temp to at least 130 f to kill bugs, set pitch etc. As well as remove the moisture. You will find lots of very wood wise people, here. good luck old243