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Conversion Varnish Supplier


From original questioner:

We purchase about $25,000 per year from our finish supplier, mostly clear and pigmented conversion varnish, but also stains, glazes and sundries. We have grown increasingly dissatisfied with their service, and are looking to replace them. Our issue is not with the quality of the product, but with the turnaround time associated with our pigmented conversion varnish color matches. Therefore, I think I would prefer someone local to cut down on shipping time - we are in Washington State.

I'm looking for feedback on who the other finish vendors are in Washington State that are supplying conversion varnishes?


From contributor Mi

Not sure if this helps but it usually take a few days for me locally between sample drop off and pickup, fastest has been tomorrow afternoon if I drop it off early enough when they were slow, typical is 2-4 days. Not as easy for them as the retail paint stores, different beast I guess, and they colors are usually really good matches, can't say the same about 5 minute paint store matchs.

From contributor Br

Funny this comes up. My supplier (Sherwin Williams) just told me the would no longer mix colored product unless the order was for a thousand dollars in one color. Why? Because they have been having too many call backs and having to "buy" cabinets because the client didn't like the color.

Seems to me that they sell product on a gallon basis and should be able to mix the color correctly at one gallon or a thousand dollars. You'd think they would also require the end user to verify the color with their client before it is applied and rejected. I don't see why I should have to take the brunt of their inability to mix colors.

My projects don't require an exact match to anything, just close as everything is new and matches nothing. Some SW "big wig" (I use the term loosely) from San Francisco made the decision which covers the west coast.

At least you are getting service from your supplier, bad or not, I am getting nothing.

From contributor Mi

That is pretty f'ed up. What an asinine way to handle the problem. I was picking up paint and my local SW location and a fellow was asking to get a match from the name of a can of latex SW paint, the salesmen advised he could provide a more accurate match if he had a sample of the paint on something (instead of mixing per the SW color #), so simple, guess their no all on the same page. On the other hand, good to know if I ever get into the situation where someone doesn't like the color they picked maybe SW will pay me to do it over for them haha.

From contributor Ed

My local SW used to match cv to anything, corporate put a halt to that, now it is 3 weeks and 1 1/2 hour away, So I will be looking for a new supplier. Going to call M.L. Campbell first.

From contributor Br

That will be interesting as M.L. Campbell is a sub division of SW. I called them two months ago about my project with no response so far.

From contributor Ro

While I don't use CV often, I have a one day turnaround on all MLC products from Louis & Company- they pay the freight. Neil out of Portland does a great job matching colors and is very helpful. He's familiar with SW products and is very informative so he can help you find similar performance. I believe he currently stocks 3 different solvent CV's. I highly recommend them service wise. I have also found them to be more cost effective than SW, who I used for close to a decade.

Hope things are going well for you.

From contributor Br

Robert, that is exactly whom I called, without response. Since Louis and Company fired all the sales staff and got new sales personnel no one seems to know who is doing what.

From contributor Ro

Call and ask for Neil. They had a bad stretch of about two months, but before and after that they are WAY better service than SW. Ask for Neil S. out of Portland. He's been great since coming on board. Best finish service I've ever gotten.

From contributor De

I guess I'm not the only one. What a shame SW can't get their act together, it seems very odd to me that a company of that size and history can be so dysfunctional. This has been going on for the last few years - long lead times, high staff turnover, missing orders, etc. Really disappointing.

Robert, I have reached out to M.L. Campbell, they have a new rep working out of E.Roko's Kent branch who used to work for SW that I really like. He seems eager to please, so we'll give that a try.


From contributor Al

Are you buying from the industrial division of SW or a retail store?.

We always buy a gallon and submit a sample before we do anything.


From contributor Br

Alan F., I am buying from a retail store but those supplies come from the industrial division in Portland. In my town it is all the I have. It is Portland that says the will no longer mix colors in less than a thousand dollars per color. I'll ask for the fax and get it verbatim.