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Contact Cement Spray-Tank Systems

Cabinetmakers and countertop pros see big advantages to spray-applied contact cement. April 20, 2007

I am thinking about switching from the old 5 gallon bucket and roller to the propane tank type for gluing countertops. One of my reps is going to give me the gun and hose if I buy their canisters of glue. One tank is supposed to last as long as 5 pails of the roll-on type glue. Once you turn on the valve, you don't turn it back off, and the glue doesn't dry up in the gun - at least that is what they say. Plus, if it does go as far as 5 pails, then it is cheaper. Any of you guys use this setup?

Forum Responses
(Cabinetmaking Forum)
From contributor J:
You'll never regret the switch. 200% easier than the roller. You'll be kicking yourself for not having switched sooner. It also sounds like you're getting a great deal too. I paid over $400 for my gun, hose, and the first canister I bought. I use StarStuk brand adhesive and it works great.

From contributor C:
When using this type of system, my rep has said to not let it set on cold concrete floors. Just something they passed along.

From contributor G:
I have been using a similar setup for about 10 years. The adhesive was a little better in terms of application a few years ago, but it has been reformulated to comply with CA voc regulations. That said, it still is a huge timesaver over brush and roller. I use clear from West-tech I have never done a lot of laminates, but it is so easy to grab the canister and spray a couple of counters and be done in a few minutes. Watch for when the canister gets about to about a quarter of a tank and have a fresh canister in stock to replace when you go dry. It is easier to replace the hose if the glue hardens in it if you run out. It's the only way to go, as far as I'm considered, even if it's more expensive. Less mess, less waste, and fast. I paid 320.00 for my gun and the first canister and I just bought a new canister for 267.00.

From contributor S:
We do nothing but laminate work. I would have been out of business long ago if I had to sit and wait for glue to dry all the time. The wait time is reduced greatly compared to roll-on. Sounds like a deodorant commercial. We get a 300 pound tank brought in, and it lasts about a month. You can buy it colored so your employees can see how much they are putting on, so they don't waste it. I prefer the clear so it doesn't leave a line.

From contributor M:
The savings of material you would experience with this new method of applying contact cement comes from the act of spraying it, not from using the tank canisters. There are many spray grade contact cements available in 5 gallon cans which will go just as far at much less cost for the material. You can spray them using a cheap HVLP spraying system with a pressurized cup. When you buy these propane-type canisters, it is like buying paint in spray cans instead of gallons. The paint costs way more.

From contributor F:
I've used this type for years, and it works great! I still have a bottle sitting in storage with the hose and gun attached. Even though it's been out there for years and years unused, when I do need to do a little HPL job, it still works fine - glue sticks and everything. Less smell, also. Only issue would be if you're doing a job in a home or kitchen, you have to deal with overspray versus more control with a roller. Clear is harder to see, so use red or whatever to see your pattern and how much is laid on.

From contributor R:
I hate when it gets called the propane tank glue. It's been around for years and I do think it's cost effective. It costs more, but you use less, so it averages out. I've used the Sta-put and it has a longer open time than the conventional contact cements. Can't beat the convenience and it's great to bring to a job site.

From contributor T:
You won't get the coverage with the first canister that they said you would. You will need to learn how much to apply; more is not better. You will save money, and time. The only thing I would tell you is they are not all the same. You want a high temp glue. We have had problems in an area where there is heat, i.e. countertops and lights, where laminate has come loose. You will find out sooner or later, there are only 2 or 3 manufacturers of canisters. There are about 100 labels, but they all come from about 2 or 3 plants.

From contributor O:
That's all great, but you should really look into how bad that stuff is for your health.