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Confirmat Screw Spacing

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Pros share opinions and experiences. April 10, 2005

Can anyone tell me what the spacing is for confirmat screws used on kitchen cabinets? I am thinking of changing from dado glue and staples. Also, can I get away without using glue? How much stronger would gluing add to the unit? If I run into a problem where a cabinet does not fit installation, it would make it easy to adjust.

Forum Responses
(Cabinetmaking Forum)
From contributor P:
We put them about 1"-1 1/2" away from the cabinet edges, then every 4" or so - I think that WIC requires one within 37mm of the edge, then max 128mm on center. We don't glue.

From contributor B:
I use three screws for uppers and about five for base cabinets. I think the "code" spacing for these is 8". I stopped using wood glue in all my assemblies. Between the confirmat, some nail/staples (depending on materials used), I think glue is the weakest link. And next to impossible to keep neat for finished interiors, for instance.

From contributor R:
I use 2 confirmats on 12" uppers about 2" in from each end, 3 on 20-24" gables, one in center 2" from each end. If you want to overkill, add an extra one. Built thousands of boxes and never had a failure. Used confirmats for 12 years now.

From contributor E:
Contributor P is correct on the WIC standards - 1.5" from edge and a max of 5" between. No glue needed.

From contributor Y:
37 mm from front edge, 32 mm or 64 mm spacing using one of these ayen skb 50.

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From contributor M:
I use the same number as contributor R. I have also assembled thousands of cases without a single failure, except when painters and trim men use the cases as walk boards. I doubt a screw every 32mm would make a difference in that case.

From contributor B:
I use three for a 305mm end panel, 4 for 533mm and 5 for a 610mm. For a 762 end, I use 6. I wrote my programming for 30mm set back from the front edge and 50mm from the rear because of a dadoed back inset 20mm.

From contributor R:
If I had to go with that many confirmats, I'd probably go back to glue and dadoes. Seriously, even 3 confirmats on a 12" gable, 4 on a 24" gable, is overkill.

From contributor E:
Not if you build to AWI/WIC standards: "WIC requires one within 37mm of the edge, then max. 128mm on center".

From contributor S:
Does AWI/WIC specify glue with confirmats? How do confirmats do in plywood? Is there a square drive confirmat (type)?

From contributor E:
No glue; great in plywood; yes, but pozi is the norm.

From contributor Y:
For what it's worth, I switched to confirmats 2 years ago and I would never go back to the old staple and screw way! The confirmats are a whole lot stronger and if you do your boring with an ayen or ptp, panel alignment is never a problem, plus it is so much faster and easier. Also, you can get them in 5 or 7mm - I use both. If you happen to make a mistake, you can take the cabinet apart!

From contributor S:
Thanks. I sure do like those square drive, though.

From contributor P:
Hafele offers Confirmats with a 4mm hex drive at a good price. They're damn awesome. Otherwise, it's the #3 Pozi head...