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Clearing Up Overspray


From original questioner:

I have a set of cabinets in my shop ready for install. I noticed a little overspray on some of my wall cabinet face frames. The finish is pre cat lacquer is there some tricks to clearing this up or I will have to shoot another coat of finish on the faces. Thanks

From contributor B

Sometimes you can buff it out with plain paper. I have done it with varying degrees of success. Sometimes it gets a very glossy sheen. Either way it's better than the rough feel and look of overspray.

From contributor Ch

Yes I have used a brown paper sack or a dollar bill and maybe what I will try this time.

From contributor Ro

If you happen to have one of those spray bombs ( Retarder ) from Mohawk; a few spritzes might dissolve the over spray. Just mist a coat or two on the problem area and see what happens.

From contributor ri

Mirka Abralon. Choose a grit to match the sheen you want.

From contributor Ro

It is very tricky to remove overspray with the 'brown paper bag' method. Raising the sheen level is the most problematic.

If your doors and drawers are 'full face frame' style over the cabinet boxes I would not worry too much about the sheen....but if you have picky customers, just re-shoot the edges with a rattle can (mask off) from Mohawk of MLC

From contributor Pa

We use 0000 steel wool. Be careful, you may get a little higher sheen. Go lightly and feather it in by doing more than the over spray area.

From contributor Ni

I'm with Rich, Mirka Mirlon.

From contributor Mi

A worn out high flex pad works great.

From contributor Co

Mak in a touch up gun, light mist, overspray gone.

done this 100s of times, cheaper than Mohawk and touch up solutions. and works very well