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Careful logging, partial cutting and the protection of terrestrial and aquatic habitats

Stand management activites influence (1) tree growth and quality; (2) stand structure, stocking and composition; (3) wildlife and aquatic habitat quality; and (4) long-term site productivity. The cumulative impacts of stand-level treatments affect ecosystem structure and function at the landscape level. 1994
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Careful logging, partial cutting and the protection of terrestrial and aquatic habitats   (1994)

Stand management activites influence (1) tree growth and quality; (2) stand structure, stocking and composition; (3) wildlife and aquatic habitat quality; and (4) long-term site productivity. The cumulative impacts of stand-level treatments affect ecosystem structure and function at the landscape level.

Author: Dey, Daniel C.

Source: Forest Research Information No. 177. 1994. pp. 53-65.

Citation: Dey, Daniel C.  1994.  Careful logging, partial cutting and the protection of terrestrial and aquatic habitats  Forest Research Information No. 177. 1994. pp. 53-65..