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CA Tech Catalyzer


From original questioner:

Does anyone use or are familiar with the CA Tech pump and gun setup? What can you tell me about it good bad or ugly?
I will be spraying Krystal with it and am wondering if it is worth the investment.

From contributor he

tough to beat for under 6 grand, simple, easy to use, just keep it flushed, simple technology that has been around since the 70;s when all two k materials where mechnaically perportioned, long before all the new electronic machiness

good luck
herb j,

From contributor De

What about if the finishes need a dwell time after mixing and before applying?

From contributor he

if you coating has to sit and cook before its sprayed y7ou cannt use a two component machine it is mix on the fly

From contributor Da

Then the beauty of MLC is there's no dwell time, no sweating in. As soon as all the material is catalyzed, it's ready to be sprayed. So, it ought to be fine for metering systems.

From contributor Na

Brian, did you end up purchasing this pump?

I have the CAT catalyzer pump and have worked through most of my issues with it - works very well.

This is a unique pump setup and I would love to know of others with it, and their responses to it.
