Built-up Crown Molding Configuration

Other Versions
Achieving unique looks with standard crown profiles. May 8, 2004

I'm looking for different ideas to install built up crown molding in the houses I build. Most of the houses are country style homes with 9 foot ceilings. I would like different looks by using regular molding profiles. Any drawings or ideas will be appreciated.

Forum Responses
(Finishing Forum)
Building up the crown molding configurations is a good way to get the upper part of the unit to go to a higher ceiling without having to build cabinets that are out of reach.

Controlling the height of the "fascia" board between the different profiles allows you to exactly take up the distance between the upper cabinet and the ceiling. Also, the fascia allows some moldings to stop above the end of the cabinets while other moldings continue around the room.

Building up crown moldings is only limited by your imagination.