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Built-Up Shop-Made "Crown Moulding"

Two examples of crown-moulding-like details on furniture pieces, created by stacking and routing curved sections of flat stock. July 16, 2012

I just wanted to see if anyone would be willing to share a drawing or picture of a crown molding they have made using a series of router or shaper profiles that are built up to create a crown molding effect. I have to create an ogee shaped arch along with some straight run crown molding on the top of a bar cabinet.

Forum Responses
(Furniture Making Forum)
From contributor H:
I did this one not long ago. I used the Shopbot to cut the shape and then hand route the profile. I allowed 1” for each layer as an overlap to attach with. The face has the shape and then each layer was done in halves with a face frame screw at the joint. The miter was then cut with the full piece standing vertical on the chop saw. The box width is 57”.

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From contributor T:
Here's one we completed. We just stacked up a few different convex and concave routed pieces.

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