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Benifits Of A Showroom?


From original questioner:

Has anyone put in a showroom that could vouch for its immediate benefits? What are your thoughts on a Showroom in an offsite location.(somewhere different from your shop). Thanks in advance for your remarks.


From contributor De

I currently have a showroom at my production facility. Well worth the money. I previously had a seperate one in a retail location.
Seperate is definatly more expensive and complicated. We originally were open 9-5 m-sat. Then closed Saturday.
I have looked at opening a second retail location in another area of our market. My number is total monthly expense for that location including labor to man it times 4 is what I need it to do in sales directy from that location to break even.

From contributor Za


I'm a little confused by your break even statement. I know it would vary by location, but wouldn't your total expense/cost be your break even point? Can you explain? Also, did you have the showroom when you opened up shop, or did you put it in later?


From contributor De

A showroom is a marketing expense, no different than direct mail piece or AdWords campaign. I have a profitable business now and if I open an additional showroom it has to make me more money than it costs. Without getting into all the accounting details I use a number to calculate the roi of a marketing campaign, which are the numbers I posted. Its not just breaking even, itsbeing worth all the effort and hassle and be profitable.
I went 6 years without a showroom.