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Beisseworks Can't Untool Spindle


From original questioner:

Hi there, i've recently started working with a rover A3.30 using Biesseworks, ive not had much experience with it at all, i've managed to figure out most of it, but i'm completly stuck with an Issue my main Spindle (TP1) It won't untool at all, ive tried everything, manually removed tools deleted the tool from the library everything i can think of and still it says the tool is in the spindle, when i untool the spindle and Exit the tooling menu and reopen it, it's back in there again, i've looked on these forums and there is another post with the exact problem i have and they suggested that i run Datimacc.exe and do it from there, ive done that but when i try and delete the tool from the spindle on that menu it simple says, no room in tool change or something, it's very stressful! some help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


From contributor dy

close bsworks
Look in Datimac drop down menu
Tools/Router Spindle you will see column (1) and the name of the tool in the spindle delete it and leave blank, the graphic will turn blue and not green.
retool the bit in the graphic of the toolchanger so all tools in graphic will be yellow. (can also use the "changer in the drop down menu")
edit/save and then load bsworks..check to see if info updated as per datimac if not then click on spindle and right click
tool presence enable/disable and disable spindle.

email me direct if you have questions..