I'm looking for a recipe for a beeswax-based finish. I'd like to use organic products if possible. I can't use pure beeswax as my work has too many 'bits' and pure beeswax tends to clog a little. I've thought about mixing beeswax and something like walnut oil. As the pieces are decorative, the finish doesn't need to be that hard.
1. Equal parts tung oil, boiled linseed oil and beeswax. Melt wax in a double saucepan for safety.
2. Two ounces beeswax, one pint turpentine, and linseed oil equal to the volume of the wax/turps mix. The wax will dissolve in the turps if shaved.
3. Mineral oil and beeswax mixed at 1:5 or 1:6 ratio. This is food safe and I have a feeling that this was the recipe in FWW.