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Attractive Ways to Set Glass in Cabinet Doors

Tips on glazing cabinet doors for a neat, professional, stylish look. May 6, 2010

I have always used silicone to hold the glass in cabinet doors. One of my contractors recently said he didn't want the silicone anymore, but trim strips. I agreed with him that it wasn't the best look in the world, so tried the trim strips. It was very time consuming but looked nice. Ho do you do it?

Forum Responses
(Cabinetmaking Forum)
From contributor P:
I like the way Decor does it. They use a small molding that is cut like a picture and is held in place by a small plastic clip that is screwed in place on the back side of the door. A rabbet is cut into the back of the door deep enough for the molding and the thickness of the glass.

From contributor C:
Why not make a deep rabbet like contributor P says and use a pin nailer to nail the strips of wood or moldings in?

From contributor J:
I use both on my glass doors. I first set a few spots of silicone around the perimeter then pin in the glass stops. Silicone keeps the glass from rattling and glass stops make it look professional.

From contributor M:
I like the press-in rubber strips. They go into a groove milled in the door edge, and hold nice and are easily removed as needed. They come in clear, white, and brown, and maybe other colors too. I believe they are called "panel retainers" or something like that. The material comes in lengths of 25' or 100' depending on who you buy it from.

From contributor B:
I use a double sticky foam tape. Stops the rattle and looks nice, comes in white or black and is 1/16" thick. I think it looks better than silicone and no mess. Also use two glass door retainer clips from Tenn-Tex (B-351 starter kit is what I have) just in case the tape lets go.

From contributor D:
The two historic ways to do this are both simple and accessible. The oldest way is to glaze the glass in just like the old-time window sash. You can point the glass in with points, or use small brass nails to hold it while the compound is added. You can even color the glazing compound to match the door. Some technique needs to be learned, but it will help set your product above the others.

The other way is to simply make wood stops and either glue or pin these in place. Learn how to pre-drill and nail parallel to the glass so you don't break it - or just glue and tape. If you use thick glass or mirror, be sure to back paint the rabbets.

Both of these methods look very nice when the doors are opened, and help get away from that "all that matters is the facade" look so common today.