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Assessment of decay in standing timber using stress wave timing nondestructive evaluation tools : a guide for use and interpretation

This guide was prepared to assist field foresters in the use of stress wave timing instruments to locate and define areas of decay in standing timber. The first three sections provide background information, the principles of stress wave nondestructive testing, and measurement techniques for stress wave nondestructive testing. The last section is a detailed description of how to apply stress wave nondestructive testing methods to standing timber. A sample field data acquisition form is included. 2004
Assessment of decay in standing timber using stress wave timing nondestructive evaluation tools : a guide for use and interpretation   (2004)

This guide was prepared to assist field foresters in the use of stress wave timing instruments to locate and define areas of decay in standing timber. The first three sections provide background information, the principles of stress wave nondestructive testing, and measurement techniques for stress wave nondestructive testing. The last section is a detailed description of how to apply stress wave nondestructive testing methods to standing timber. A sample field data acquisition form is included.

Author: Wang, Xiping; Divos, Ferenc; Pilon, Crystal; Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.; Pellerin, Roy F.

Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-147. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2004. 12 pages

Citation: Wang, Xiping; Divos, Ferenc; Pilon, Crystal; Brashaw, Brian K.; Ross, Robert J.; Pellerin, Roy F.  2004.  Assessment of decay in standing timber using stress wave timing nondestructive evaluation tools : a guide for use and interpretation  Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-147. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 2004. 12 pages.