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From original questioner:

hi everyone,

I am looking for someone who might be able to tell me how to program hinges in alphacam. we put a two degree bevel on all of our doors and currently i do not know how to program them in alphacam. I have seen others do it but no one has taken the time to explain how to set up the 3d panel in alphacam with the bevel. currently i'm programming them on face 3 in alphacam, them using a secondary program, i move them to a fictitious face that i set up on a two degree bevel. any advice would be greatly appreciated


From contributor Ph

I prep doors on a 5 axis with alphacam all the time, draw a rectangle the size of your door, use 3d, set work volume. now you can select each plane to work in. I draw my 2 or 3 degree angle in work planes created on each end of the door. Now I can select a work plane from 1, the line forming the work volume on the door edge I want the hinges to be (the bottom line) and the angled line. make sure you select the correct order and the correct set of lines to get your local axis correct.

I can post a more detailed explanation if needed!

From contributor ma

so, I played around with work planes and i've been able to create the new work planes, thanks for the guidence! Do you happen to know how to create a parametric door? I took a class a long time ago on constained parametrics, but i have not had much luck using it for practical uses, like doors.

From contributor Ph

I have used constrained parametric for morticed rails and tennoned stiles but I have not tried it on a door with hinge locations and locksets. It would save me a huge amount of time if I could. Seems like every day I have a door to prep of a different size, or hinge location, or hardware, if I could make a constrained template, programing would take a lot less time.