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Allergic Reaction To Lacquer Thinner


From original questioner:

I wear rubber gloves when coming in contact with lacquer thinner however sometimes the gloves leak and I seem to have developed an allergic reaction yo it and one of my fingers has developed almost like a burn with swelling and blisters. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you put on it to help it heal?

From contributor Mi

I don't like skin contact with lacquer thinner either. I either wear the thick well made chemical resistant gloves, or I do not wear any at all. Reason being is that if you trap the thinner against your skin, it definitely will blister you, but if you get it on your skin, it will evaporate quickly and not make a blister or skin burn. The less expensive disposable gloves leak quickly and I find are a waste of time. I usually get the stripping type gloves and they hold up well.

From contributor ri

I think it's called contact dermatitis. Not an allergic reaction. The doctor would give you some corticosteroid cream. You might get by with some lesser strength, over the counter hydrocortisone cream. If it does that to your skin, just think what it's doing to your liver and kidneys!

From contributor Th

Dan, that is a chemical burn & is a real injury. You have clinical tissue damage. If not too bad & doesn't infect it may heal without any issues. (I'm guessing you had somewhat extended thinner contact while continuing working with torn gloves) "Surgical" gloves won't last 5" in lacquer thinner. Had one of my guys once stuff a naphtha wet rag in his hip pocket. By the time he felt the "heat" the damage was done. Skin blistered & ruptured. Doctor said any worse would need skin graft. Treatment & healing was over two weeks. Good luck & be careful with chemicals.

From contributor Da

I've been using cortisone 10 cream on the affected area and it slowly seems to be getting better. We are now double gloving to make sure this doesn't happen again. I think what happened is the glove I was wearing had a hole in it and it was holding the stain I was working with against the skin. By the time I took the glove off the damage was probably already done. More care will be exercised in the future. Had this happen once before a couple of years ago, but not as severe. I went to the doctor and he thought I had shingles. I didn't relate it at the time with solvents,but thought the doctor was crazy...who gets shingles in one finger?!!!

From contributor Pa

Hi Dan - I had a similar reaction to lacquer thinner some time back and found I was more sensitive to contact with solvents afterwards.

I'm attaching a guide that defines the chemical resistance of different types of gloves so you can find the ones that provide the protection you need.

From contributor Da

It seems like the laminate film gloves have the best rating, but I have never heard of them before. I have been using nitrile gloves so far, and have started double gloving however I am going to look for the laminate film gloves for better protection. Thanks for the info. I can always count on you guys for answers to the questions we all need.

From contributor Ri

Inquiring minds must know, what were you doing that you needed to put your hands in the lacquer thinner? Is there a way to do that process another way?

From contributor Da

I wasn't exactly putting my hands in lacquer thinner,but I was staining and I think there was a hole in the nitrile glove I was wearing and the stain leaked in staying ther and I didn't feel it until I took the glove off and realized what happened. It took several days before it showed up.

From contributor na

Lacquer thinner is a product made up of solvents such as ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and toluene, used as a solvent or a paint, cement or varnish thinner.
If a burning feeling occurs, rinse the area with soap and water. If the burning continues and you notice any skin damage or blistering, you must contact your doctor.

To treat at home:

Avoid contact with known substances that irritate your skin or cause an allergic reaction.

Avoid scratching.

Apply cold compresses or take a cool bath.

Wear soft cotton clothing.

Choose mild products for personal use such as those identified as hypo-allergenic.
