Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies



From original questioner:

Does anyone have this product? Being sold by Techniks for helping to suck the dust out of the router groove when nested. Video looks good but does it really work that well in real use?

From contributor Sc

Made by FS Tool Co. - has been around some time AeroTech. Ask them for a trial run! It does work. See link below -

From contributor La

Scott, Totally different device. This one does not force you to use non-standard tooling. I've seen the FS one before.

From contributor ra

I had one and worked best for me about 6 inches from the edge of the sheet and closer when my dust hood is hanging off the sheet and losing its suction. Didn't seam to make much difference in the middle of a sheet for me. Really depends on how good your dust collector is.
I say had because a broken bit stood up into the blades causing damage. I've sent it back to see if repairable.

From contributor Br

Nap Gladu developed this with Techniks

From contributor Be

Randy, this is my dilemma with this tool. I bought a PREWI extraction bell that has a similar shape to the AEROTECH, only it can be height adjusted for different length bits. This way the bell is always 2-3 mm above the workpiece for maximum suction.
The inevitable happened and a bit broke, jamming between the bell and the workpiece while spinning at 18000 RPM! It twisted totally out of shape, and I sure hope nothing happened to my spindle or gantry!!! The dust issue is chronic for us, and I am persistantly looking for a solution. But this bell business does not give me peace of mind.
The other option for dust evacuation:
Use a full upcut for the first pass, then a final pass with a mortise compression. Search the woodweb discussions on this subject. So I am using CV ultimate, I checked the esupport forums, and the CV experts say you cannot make a first pass, THEN do the dados, then make the final pass. (I want it this way so the upcut doesn't blowout my dados at the edge of the part.) In CV, the first and final passes have to follow each other directly. This was a little shocking to learn since CV is supposed to be the best package in the market, and I have been using a $250 software (Cabinet Parts Pro) that has a 2nd cut option which you can order as you wish. Any creative ideas?!