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Acorn production in red oak

Manipulation of stand stocking through thinning can increase the amount of oak in the upper crown classes and enhance individual tree characteristics that promote good acorn production. Identification of good acorn producers before thinning or shelterwood harvests can be used to retain them in a stand. Stocking charts can be used to time thinnings and to estimate acorn,production for individual stands. Maintaining stocking between A- and B-level ensures complete use of growing space by trees. As stocking approaches the A-level, thinning back to the B-level should maintain oak in the upper crown classes and simultaneously promote maximum development of individual tree characteristics known to influence acorn production. A method for estimating acorn production and preliminary guidelines for acorn management are presented. 1995
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Acorn production in red oak   (1995)

Manipulation of stand stocking through thinning can increase the amount of oak in the upper crown classes and enhance individual tree characteristics that promote good acorn production. Identification of good acorn producers before thinning or shelterwood harvests can be used to retain them in a stand. Stocking charts can be used to time thinnings and to estimate acorn,production for individual stands. Maintaining stocking between A- and B-level ensures complete use of growing space by trees. As stocking approaches the A-level, thinning back to the B-level should maintain oak in the upper crown classes and simultaneously promote maximum development of individual tree characteristics known to influence acorn production. A method for estimating acorn production and preliminary guidelines for acorn management are presented.

Author: Dey, Daniel C.

Source: Forest Research Information Paper. No. 127. 1995. pp. 1-22

Citation: Dey, Daniel C.  1995.  Acorn production in red oak  Forest Research Information Paper. No. 127. 1995. pp. 1-22.