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A Little Advice And Guidance May Help.


From original questioner:

Any Cabinet guys located in the Deep South that may be willing to let me tour their frameless cabinet shop ? I'm have been building cabinets face frame full time about 10 years now, I have built up a fairy nice one man operation (with part time help as needed).Due to various issues/ reasons/preferences I am considering building frameless cabinets. I have read several books and research the subject on the internet but I guess Im more of a learn by experience type of guy. I learned most of my cabinets building through trial and error. The problem is Im just at the point in my life( 49 and holding)that I don't have time or the money for any new trial and error right now. To give an idea of what I'm working with my shop is 2200 square foot and my main tools consist of a F90 Altendorf slider ,construction line boring machine 36 in wide belt sander ,5 hp table saw ,a couple 3 hp Shop fox shapers and a adequate Holz-her edgebander. I would like to see some shop layouts and construction flows. Any help would be appreciated .

From contributor Ji

I'm east of Dallas, Texas if that helps.
Been doing frameless about 15 years. My shop runs 1-3 men, depending on their amount of social benefits available for withdrawal....ah, but I digress....
One thing that will help tremendously will be to select a "system" and follow it.
I've used Blum Pearls and KISS II for most of that time.
I normally stick with the same hinge brand to standardize boring for mounting plates. Same with slides-I offer Vitus BB as standard offering and Grass Dynapro SC as upgrade.
I cut on a 18 yr old Striebig and bore on a Weeke PTP now, but previously used a Gannomat line bore and Maggi construction borer (still used for end boring).
I use confirmats mostly but can switch to dowel easy enough for the occasional exposed end. I'd like a dowel inserter and clamp, but tight on space. Bored correctly anyone here can assemble the boxes.
We also do all doors and dovetailed drawer boxes in house. About 50 percent finished.

From contributor ja

Columbia SC here feel free to visit. we are all frameless and have caught a few good tricks along the way,

From contributor Br

The hardest thing about frameless construction it that it is too simple. Two sides, top, bottom and a back. What could be easier? Work your door and hinge placement out and then drawer sizes. I am on 32mm increments but because of CNC wouldn't have to be. My hinge placement is the same regardless of size and equal distance top and bottom. Once you have a system that is mathematically correct it is not all that hard to go off system if you are forced into it. Had this been developed in the US as a "1" system" most everyone would have adopted their version.

I am out west and you'd be welcome, can you think "tax deductiblee vacation?

From contributor La

Shop flow will depend on what equipment you ultimately hope to put in and the location of doors for bringing in material and shipping finished goods. If you only have one OHD a U shaped layout may be good. If you space is narrow and has a door @ each end then a lineal flow. Come as close as you can to not handling a part w/o adding value. Even if you don't go for a router now, lay it out for one. They are such an advantage in building Euro boxes that you will most likely make the jump sooner of later. Material in, forklift?, Router, slider, bore & insert, case clamp, detail area, ship. Order doors, if frame & panel, & drawers prefinished.

A system that will allow you to make twice as many kitchens as you now do. Maybe 3 times if you hire a good man.