Greene and Greene Desk and Conoid Chair

Listing #4287 Listed on: 12/18/2013 Name: William Wells

Here are pictures of two desks and chairs I built for my kids. The desks are designed after Greene and Greene style furniture and the chairs are modeled after a Conoid chair designed by George Nakashima. However, I added proud square plugs and changed the back from spindles to bent slats. One set is made of Walnut with Ebony proud square plugs and the other is made of Red Oak with Walnut proud square plugs.

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Posted By:steve
...and when the kids grow to 15 stone? How much can this chair design handle? Looks nice anyway.
Posted By:JimD
When his kids hit 210 lbs, the chair will hold up just fine. I'm sure the Nakashima studio has produced many hundreds, if not thousands of these chairs.
Posted By:Elaine Hess
Woud you possibly make these for sale?
Posted By:Bill Wells
I'd be happy to discuss building chairs for you. How many do you need? Are you interested in chairs or desks?
Posted By:Bill Wells
I am 6'3" and 210ilbs and I sit on the chairs all of the time.
Posted By:Arminda Veach
The chair is looking beautiful by the way!
Posted By:shubham
good chair , check these if any good -

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