Golf Ball Display Case

Listing #4281 Listed on: 12/01/2013 Company Name: Agape Wood Design
Name: Russell Tribby Member

This is the largest display case I've built to date. It is over 4' tall, 6' wide and will hold 250 plus golf balls. It is getting shipped to the customer's house in VA this week. I'm looking forward to some pictures of it filled and in place.

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Posted By:Alex Hendrick
I'm not a golfer so I guess I don't understand, but the design is good. I want one for my router bits.
Posted By:steve
I guess they had the balls to order one! Nice job
Posted By:Jeff M
It takes lots of balls to build one of those.....nice work!
Posted By:Justin Endres
Are you still building these? I'd pay you to do one for me.

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