Table-W: 4 feet
Table-L: 8 feet
Power: 12 horsepower
RPM: 5,000 - 24,000
Spindle Type: Air-Cooled Italian-Made 5.5HP Hiteco Spindle
# Axis: 3
X: 97 inches
Y: 49 inches
Z: 7 inches
Z-Clearance: 12 inches
Z Travel: 13 inches
CNC Control: yes
Tool Changing System: 8 Position Automatic
Vacuum Table: 4 to 6 Zone
Rapid Travel: 600 IPM
Rapid Speed: 350 IPM
Drive System: Planetary Gear Box
Features: Heavy-Duty One-Piece All-Steel Frame, Allows Expansion For 4th Axis Turner, 6HP Spindle 8 Position Automatic Tool Changing System 12″ Z-Clearance 13″ Z Travel Up To 600 IPM Rapid Speed Vacuum Table (4 Zone For 4′ x 8′ & 6 Zone For 5′ x 10′) Nema 34 Stepper Drive Motor Syntec Control System
Dimensions: 132" x 87" x 72"
Weight: 2200 pounds