NEW SCM minimax tw 45c Shaper w/Sliding Table (IN STOCK)

Listing #550415 Listed on: 02/16
Details - Machine for Sale
Price: $5,985.00
Type:New - New
Manufacturer:SCM minimax
Model:tw 45c
Location:Kingston, TN
Sale Type:Dealer
Seller:360 DEGREE MACHINERY LLC [Contact]
More Info:Link to more images and info at 360

If your sick of “lesser” quality brands look no further. This is a great place to start. This minimax tw 45c shaper offers a lot of “refinement” and quality at it’s price point.

This is an amazing bargain that is well thought out, 1/1/4″ spindle powered by a 4 hp 230V single phase motor. It is a braking motor featuring forward and reverse. Multiple spindle speeds of 4,200, 8,400, and 12,000 RPM. A very high quality, smooth sliding table with a stout material hold down. An angle fence with pin sets at 22.5, 30, 45, 60, and 0 degrees with 2 built in flip stops and a backer for tenons. Like ALL SCMI machines you will find a very nicely machined top with a beautiful relief pattern. A sturdy cast hand wheel that will allow for 2mm’s of elevation with each 360 degree turn. Plus details that few notice like the quality of the buttons, emergency stop, and the motor starter. It’s actually hard to believe this is an entry level shaper. Then again it is made with pride by SCM in Italy!

Advertised Price Configuration:

1ph, 4HP, fixed 1 1/4″ spindle, reverse spindle rotation, sliding table (**free shipping not included on this tw 45c that is in stock/free shipping applies to drop ship)

(Interchangeable spindle feature with additional 3/4″ spindle and or Router bit spindle are options and special order)

Link to more images and info at 360

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