Residue-Free Labels Latest in Tools and Supplies

Moulder Knife Grinding and/or Tool Design and Drafting

Listing #480618 Listed on: 02/20
Details - Offering Employment
Listing Type:Offering Employment (Full time)
Location:Stratford, CT
Name:Dan Povinelli [Contact]
Company:Connecticut Saw & Tool
More Info:Link
Seeking experienced profile knife grinder and/or tool designer to join our busy and growing team.

Experienced with weinig profile knife grinder, running moulder or shaper to produce wood mouldings, MegaCad, TurboCad, AutoCad, or template making

-Opportunity to work in shop and/or office depending on experience.
-Flexible hours/schedule.
-Great benefits - fully paid health insurance, dental and vision, 401k with 4% match, 9 paid holidays + PTO
-Pay commensurate with experience.

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