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Design and Build Wood Seashells

Listing #433043 Listed on: 02/17
Listing Type:For Sale
Location:Russellville, AR
Name:Steve Garrison

I have just released a computer program I wrote that lets you design just about any smooth seashell imaginable or copy a real one in 3D. After you are satisfied with the shape, press a button and it produces a multi-page PDF file of the patterns. The patterns can be up to 8.5 x 11 paper, but you're free to scale it larger with other software, copier, or print shop. There's a one-time access fee of $120 that doesn't expire. If you don't care to design your own there are several built-in models you can use or modify. i also sell individual patterns.

The shells are made up of wedges in a cylinder - like cutting a pie with the sharp edges meeting along the axis of the cylinder. It's not necessary to be exact with the angle, there's a step where the joints of the two halves of the shell are milled flat with a table-mounted router so the halves fit together perfectly. The program adjusts to use whatever even number of wedges you tell it. It's a fun and profitable hobby. I've got lots more information and videos on my website. Thanks for looking. -Steve

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