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Lamello Contest Winner Announced

Listing #433026 Listed on: 01/07
Listing Type:Announcement
Location:Kingston, NC
Name:Sandi Lincoln - Colonial Saw
Web link:Colonial Saw


Lamello recently gave away their 100,000th Zeta to one lucky winner.

The winner was Bryan Kerr, owner of Kerr Woodworking in Asheville NC.

Bryan grew up in Lambertville, NJ where he visited a local woodshop and became inspired to pursue a career in woodworking. After relocating to Seattle, he took a job as a woodshop intern and has been a woodworker ever since. Bryan tells us that he’s worked in both large and small shops, and Lamello products were present in every one.

Years later, Bryan and his wife Erin moved to Asheville, NC where they achieved their dream of having their own shop. Erin is in charge of marketing and business development which frees Bryan up to focus on running the shop.

“Relocating to Asheville has been so wonderful. There is such a great community here as well as supportive friendships that helped us grow and flourish,” Bryan told us.

Many businesses were destroyed by Hurricane Helene. Kerr Woodworking was part of a co-op shop (with 10-15 other fulltime woodworkers) in the River Arts District. The entire complex containing all of their tools and current projects was destroyed by 16ft of water.

“It was a tough time for all of us, who put our hearts into our business. The silver lining is the way the community came together to help in any way they could. Friends, family, and even strangers have helped us get back on our feet to continue our dream. Thank you Colonial Saw and Lamello for delivering our Zeta in person! It will be a big help to us as we rebuild.”

Sandi Lincoln
Director of Marketing
Colonial Saw, Inc.
PO Box A
Kingston, MA 02364
Phone: 781.585.4364 x205

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