I wish to acquire/customise/fabricate a stationary log carriage or deck for the sole purpose of milling recycled Australian Hardwoods. I have been involved with the recycled hardwood industry for many years, but I'm afraid that I'm somewhat mechanically challenged as I've predominately sub-contracted the milling and processing to contractors. Therefore please excuse my lack of correct terminology etc...
Due to the limited options available in Australia I am now looking abroad for suitable alternatives and I would greatly appreciate any advice on the subject and/or directions to acquire what is needed.
The key points are as per the following:-
1.) Australian Recycled Hardwood - very dense HWD such as Ironbark with a Janka Rating of 14-15 (compared to American Oak of 6);
2.) Sole purpose of producing boxed-heart posts and beams;
3.) Minimum finished milled dimension: 6" x 6";
4.) Maximum finished milled dimension: 17" x 17";
5.) Log Diameter: 81/2" - 26";
6.) Log Length: 71/2' - 40' (to produce finished lengths of 12" increments from 7' up to 40');
7.) Maximum Log Weight: 5,500 pounds;
8.) Log Carriage to be stationary;
8.) Hydraulic Log Handling (turning, straightening, levelling, clamping etc.;
10.) Saw - Circular Saw - vertical or horizontal will depend on the style of the carriage or deck (apologies as I am unsure of what term you use for the stationary hydraulic decks you see for the overhead frame bandsaw mills);
Option #1: Carriage 5 Head Blocks:-
- the idea would be to customise the headblocks and construct a 35' long fixed, stationary carriage;
- please note that the members we'll be milling are very structural and will easily handle a 3' cantilever/overhang - the long sections will generally be milled to 14" x 6" and above;
- I appreciate that 5 HB carriages are harder to come by and that they generally may be too large for my requirements (as my max log diameter is only 26");
Option #2: Carriage 3 Head Blocks x 2off:-
- I am guessing that it may be easier and more feasible to locate 2 matching 3 HB carriages and customise to produce a 6HB Carriage of 35' long;
Option #3: Stationary Hydraulic Log Deck:-
- along the lines of stationary bunks/decks (?) used for bandmills
- with log turners / clamping tongs / dogs etc.;
- I presume that if I can find a suitable second hand unit that I will need to extend the rails to 45';
Option #4: Stationary Deck:-
- am I better off sourcing a heavy duty skeleton frame or trailer and retro fitting the hydraulic log handling components;
- I'm sure that there may well be other existing bit and pieces that I could utilise and customise?;
This will not be a high production mill as the posts and beams produced are generally quite varied and specific. However due to the weight and lengths of the logs I will make it all hydraulic/mechanical.
Thanks in advance.