You will want to find local woodworkers who want to buy specialty wood like the things you would want to have if you were building something special.
So go find yourself a woodworkers group, or a local "Tech Shop", or carpenter's guild, and either join it or talk to the people there about what they like to buy and where they buy it, and how much they pay for it, and how they get it home, and how they store it, and what they do with it when they finally have time....etc.
This is called "building a customer base" and is the main thing you need to do if you want to sell wood. It can take a while to do it, but be diligent about it, and it will happen.
One place you might be able to get some help is your local Small Business Administration offices. The SBA is a government agency that wants to help small business get going. Here is the SBA website for Northern Florida (Jacksonville / Orlando area):
I know it's fashionable to bash the government for anything and everything these days.... But my experience with these folks is that they really do want to help you, and the cost is almost nothing, so might as well see what they can offer you, if they can put you in touch with local folks like you that can help, find you a local organization that deals with wood, find you a marketing firm that produce brochures, website, etc. It's worth a visit, in my opinion.
Selling wood is a very thin margin business (margin is the amount of money you make, above the price it costs you to produce the board). That is.... you might make 1 dollar per board or less, so you have to sell hundreds of boards to make a mortgage payment. And you have to have the right kinds of boards when people want to buy them -- I.e., the right species, the right color, the right thickness and dimensions, and the right moisture content (green, air dried, or kiln dried). Sometimes it's better to find the buyer first, and then make them the lumber they want to buy (i.e., cut to order). Be flexible and try to say "yes" to those opportunities when they come by so that you can expand your customer base, and your "market" that you sell to.
Best of luck to you,